
Jazz Night – Marika Lermani

Ecco il nostro regalo di Natale per voi; una serata dove poter condividere parole, emozioni e buona musica prima delle amate festività natalizie! Vi aspettiamo Mercoledì 18 Dicembre dalle ore 19,00 con la cucina di Suburra 1930 e la musica di Marika Lermani. Suburra 1930 Cucina e Liquori Piazza della Suburra 13/15, Rione Monti (Roma)…

Suburra 1930: The Roman Cuisine

The Roman cuisine is just like the Romans: simple and true. It is based on simple rural ingredients, mostly vegetables and meat. Its recipes do not come from the work of great international chefs but are passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. In Rome we want “magnà…

Suburra 1930 presents: Suburra’s Square

Suburra’s Square does not get its name from the Netflix series, but it is the Netflix series which is named after Suburra, a poor district of Ancient Rome. Its original name was “Subura”, located right above the Fori Imperiali. This is where Suburra’s square in Monti gets its name; it is located at the crossroads…

Suburra 1930 presents: Monti

Rome counts 22 districts, but only Monti is considered the top one. Monti is that district next to the Colosseum, next to the Fori, the most central of all. Why is it then called Monti? The name derives from “li monti”, and referred to that area area of the ancient Rome, at the time not…